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Associate Professor
Photo of Aaron Sprecher
My research and design work focus on the synergy between information technologies, computational languages, and digital fabrication systems, examining the way in which technology informs and generates innovative approaches to design processes.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Alon Grinberg Dana
Closed-loop software and hardware platforms driving chemical discovery through automated hypothesis generation, refinement, validation, and revision, resulting in predictive chemical kinetic models.
Associate Professor
Photo of Amir Degani
My lab’s work focuses on robotics and autonomous systems, mostly for field applications in unstructured environments with applications such as search and rescue and agriculture. We investigate the use of dynamic legged locomotion, wheeled locomotion, collaboration of ground and aerial robots in field robotics.
Photo of Amir Yehudayoff
Contributing the theory of machine learning through connections to information theory, and computational complexity theory.
Photo of Anat Levin
Computational imaging
Photo of Anat Rafaeli
Human behavior in the context of organizational service interactions. Big data and automation tools are used to objectively analyze emotion and behavior of participants in online conversations.
Professor Emeritus
Photo of Arie Admon
Proteomics; Cancer Vaccines; Antigen Processing and Presentation; Big data of proteomics and peptidomics; Bioinformatics of proteomics and mass spectrometry.
Visiting Professor
Photo of Ariel Barel
Swarm Intelligence, Distributed Control of Multi-Agent Systems, and Distributed Task Allocation. I also investigate Machine Learning implementations (Supervised & Reinforcement) to expedite traditional planning algorithms.
Photo of Ariel Orda
Network routing, survivability, QoS provisioning, wireless networks, the application of game theory to computer and power networks, blokchains, the application of machine learning to network protocols.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Arielle Fischer
Applied biomechanics and investigation of the interaction of mechanics, biology, and structure of musculoskeletal joint pathologies. Implementing smart wearable technologies that record large data sets of bio-signal motion data.
Assaf Marom
Photo of Assaf Marom
Our lab focuses on the evolutionary processes that shaped the human cranium and pelvis in evolution. We study human morphology from a comparative point of view in order to understand these processes.
Photo of Assaf Schuster
Distributed and Scalable Deep Learning; Deep Learning for Personal Medicine; Randomness in Deep Learning; Analytics of Rapid Data Streams; Complex Event Processing (CEP); Internet of Things and Smart Systems; Privacy Preserving; Cyber Security; Cloud Management
Photo of Avi Mendelson
Computer Architecture, Accelerators for Machine Learning, Security aspects of LLMs, Security Hazard detection through anomaly detection.
Associate Professor
Photo of Avi Schroeder
Nanotechnology, cancer, Parkinson's disease, AI
Photo of Avigdor Gal
Schema Matching; Entity Resolution; Semantic Integration of Data Resources; Business Process Management; Temporal Databases and Temporal Evolution of Databases.
Photo of Avishai Mandelbaum
Service-Engineering of large operations (e.g. hospitals / emergency-departments, call / contact-centers, courts, …); Operations research; Statistics; Queueing science & theory; Control theory; Data- and process-mining.
Associate Professor
Photo of Aviv Tamar
My research focuses on AI and machine learning, with an emphasis on robotics applications. My long term goal is to bring robots into human-centered domains such as homes and hospitals. Towards this goal, some fundamental questions need to be solved, such as how can machines learn models of their environments that are useful for performing tasks, and how to learn behavior from interaction in an interpretable and safe manner. Most of my work falls under the framework of reinforcement learning, and its connections to representation learning and planning.
Associate Professor
Photo of Ayelet Lamm
We study fundamental epigenetics processes affecting gene expression and regulation by using bioinformatics, generating pipelines, and experimental biology.
Photo of Ayellet Tal
Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Visualization.
Associate Professor
Photo of Barak Fishbain
Enviromatics; machine learning methods and mathematical for natural complex environments; hydro-informatics; atmospheric-informatics; precise agriculture; structural health; smart infrastructure systems and connected transportation.
Photo of Batya Kenig
Theoretical and systems aspects of data management, enumeration algorithms, probabilistic graphical models.
Associate Professor
Photo of Benny Kimelfeld
Enumeration of query results, probabilistic, incomplete and inconsistent databases, infrastructure for text analytics, databases for preferences and social choice, and database aspects of machine learning
Visiting Professor
Photo of Chaim Baskin
Deep Neural Network representation learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Geometric Deep learning, Algorithms for efficient training and inference of Deep Neural Networks.
Associate Professor
Photo of Dan Liberzon
"Environmental Fluid dynamics Turbulent atmospheric flows Water waves, and wind-waves interactions Acoustics"
Photo of Dana Drachsler Cohen
" Safety guarantees to deep learning by leveraging formal methods, such as analysis and synthesis."
Assistant Professor
Photo of Dani Broitman
Urban and regional economics, Ecological and environmental economics, Systems modeling, Land use change, Economic geography
Assistant Professor
Photo of Daniel Hexner
Self-learning materials, disordered materials, exotic order
Assistant Professor
Photo of Daniel Soudry
Deep Learning, i.e., neural networks: understanding them theoretically (e.g., their implicit bias) and improving them (e.g., their resource efficiency and speed during training and inference).
Photo of Danny Raz
The theory and applications of efficient network and system management, in particular, concentrating on cloud resource management, NFV, SDN, TE, and network aware services.
Associate Professor
Photo of Daphne Weihs
Mechanobiology of cancer and wounds. Early-prognosis of cancer metastasis. Wound healing and prevention. Experiments, Finite element modeling, machine learning.
Assistant Professor
Photo of David Azriel
Optimal designs for clinical trials, Regression, Semi-supervised learning, Statistical theory.
Associate Professor
Photo of David Broday
"David Broday's research focuses on application of data science tools and methods on large atmospheric databases, mainly air pollution (both standard monitoring data and data streams of distributed air pollutant sensor arrays), aerosols (satellite remotely sensed products), meteorological observations, and climate change. "
Associate Professor
Photo of Dori Derdikman
Recording and analysis of nerve cell populations in the brain during tasks of spatial learning and memory, using electrode probes, tetrodes, and calcium-imaging.
Photo of Dov Dori
Conceptual Modeling, Systems Eng. and Modeling, Systems Architecture, Enterprise Systems Modeling; Object-Process Methodology; Ontologies; Software Development Methodologies, Semantic Web; Systems Biology, Robotics.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Dvir Aran
Computational biology; Clinical informatics
Associate Professor
Photo of Eitan Yaakobi
Information and coding theory with applications to non-volatile memories, associative memories, data storage and retrieval, distributed storage, privacy, and DNA storage.
Photo of Eran Yahav
+ 972-48294318
Program Synthesis, Machine Learning for Programming Languages, Neuro-Symbolic Models, Program Analysis
Assistant Professor
Photo of Erez Karpas
Automated Planning, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence.
Photo of Gad Rennert
Establishing and analyzing large-scale clinical and biological/genetic bio-banks and databases to study disease etiology and clinical behavior, especially with regards to malignancies.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Gala Yadgar
Caching, Content Distribution, Optimizations for Flash Based Storage, Erasure Coding, Deduplication, Workload Characterization and Improved Analysis Tools.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Galit Yom Tov
Service Engineering/Service Operations; Behavioral Operations; Queueing Networks and Approximations; Healthcare and Call-center Operational Design.
Photo of Guy Austern
The CDML(Computational Design & Machine Learning) lab was founded by Dr. Guy Austern in 2022. The lab’s goal is to solve problems of architectural design and fabrication using state of the art computational methods. Our current research focuses on applying Machine Learning models to architectural questions of different scales.
Associate Professor
Photo of Guy Gilboa
Image processing and computer vision, with strong focus on mathematical models related to calculus of variations and nonlinear spectral theory.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Hadas Benisty
We develop interpretable models for high-dimensional networks during learning. We aim to reveal the intrinsic components that give rise to learning and ultimately shed light on the cortical mechanisms that enable skill acquisition.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Haguy Wolfenson
Nano and micro-fabricated surfaces for cell biology research; Mechanobiology of Cells.
Photo of Hossam Haick
Nano-array devices for screening, diagnosis and monitoring of disease, nanomaterial-based chemical (flexible) sensors, electronic skin, breath analysis, volatile biomarkers, and cell-to-cell communication.
Photo of Idit Keidar
Distributed and network-based computing, Distributed Storage, Parallel Computing, Blockchains.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Ido Kaminer
Implications of quantum mechanics on future technology; Algorithms to automate research in fundamental science and in mathematics; Fundamentals of light-matter interactions; Probing materials with ultrafast electrons and photons.
Associate Professor
Photo of Ido Roll
Using learning analytics and artificial intelligence to design intelligent environments that help students become better learners. Assessing and supporting competencies such as creativity and scientific reasoning.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Inbal Talgam-Cohen
Algorithmic game theory; Theory of computation; Optimization; AI; Internet economics; Market design; Auctions.
Photo of Isaac Keslassy
Using machine learning in datacenter networks and high-performance routers, e.g., for congestion control, flow classification, and buffer management.
Photo of Israel Cohen
InterArray processing, signal processing, deep learning, analysis and modeling of acoustic signals, speech enhancement, noise estimation, source localization, blind source separation, system identification and adaptive filtering.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Izhak Kehat
Genomics and epigenetics and cardiac imaging.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Joachim Behar
The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Laboratory (AIMLab.) researches innovative pattern recognition algorithms to exploit the information encrypted within large datasets of physiological time series.
Photo of John Kennedy
Data Science Methods: Spectral Total Variation Techniques; Biomedical Engineering: PET/CT and SPECT/CT data fusion, characterization, quantitation, artifact removal, optimization of clinical imaging protocols.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Jonathan Natanian
Environmental quality driven urban design, Generative urban design, Zero energy buildings and districts, Performance-based design using digital tools, Environmental workspace design, Passive low carbon design strategies
Photo of Karel Martens
Accessibility, mobility, travel problems, disparities, social exclusion, equity.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Keren Yitzhak
Computational Cancer Genomics; Our lab addresses emerging challenges in computational cancer genomics by developing and applying computational methods for cancer data analysis.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Kfir Yehuda Levy
Machine Learning and Optimization.
Visiting Professor
Photo of Kira Radinsky
Machine Learning in Healthcare, Chemoinformatics, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Healthcare
Assistant Professor
Photo of Kiril Solovey
Algorithmic aspects of multi-robot systems; smart mobility optimization; autonomous driving; robot control and decision making; societal aspects of autonomous transportation systems
Liat Levontin
Associate Professor
Photo of Liat Levontin
The psychology of AI, Answers to human related questions with big data, Consumer behavior as reflected in big data.
Photo of Lihi Zelnik-Manor
Computer Vision, e.g., data generation, multi-label classification; Machine Learning with focus on designing and training efficient and effective Neural Networks; Tactile sensing and haptic feedback
Assistant Professor
Photo of Limor Freifeld
Using microscopy technologies, we capture the dynamic function of cell nuclei and neural circuits as well as their 3D nano-scale structure. Via machine learning, we extract the information of interest from these datasets, linking biological structure to function.
Associate Professor
Photo of Maytal Caspary Toroker
Machine learning for material design.
Photo of Michael Elad
Data models; Sparse Representations – Theory and Practice and their Connection to Deep-Learning; Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing; Image Denoising; Graph-Based Signal Processing; Patch-Based Image Processing; Super-Resolution
Photo of Michael Lindenbaum
Image analysis, statistical analysis of visual tasks, and the application of deep learning to vision tasks.
Associate Professor
Photo of Mirela Ben Chen
Modeling and understanding the geometry of shapes, differential geometry, architectural geometry, remeshing for fabrication, numerical optimization and harmonic analysis, animation, fluid simulation.
Photo of Miri Barak
Science and engineering education, Ethics in AI research and development, Technology-enhanced education, 21st century skills.
Photo of Miriam Zacksenhouse
Control policies that facilitates learning and sim2real transfer with applications to robot assembly and legged locomotion; Invasive and non-invasive Brain Machine Interfaces (BMIs) and error related processing;
Assistant Professor
Photo of Moti Freiman
Improving patient care and outcome through better characterization of the underlying physiological and structural factors in human diseases by developing novel deep-learning-based methods for MRI acquisition and analysis.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Nadav Dym
The research in our lab focuses on development and theoretical analysis of machine learning algorithms, using mathematical tools from fields such as approximation theory, optimization, or invariant theory
Assistant Professor
Photo of Nadav Hallak
"Mathematical optimization and algorithmic theory in continuous optimization. Mainly non-convex optimization models, methods and theory, for finance, machine learning applications, and large-scale problems."
Photo of Nahum Shimkin
Markov Decision Processes and Stochastic Control; Reinforcement Learning; Online Learning and Bandit Processes; Game Theoretic Analysis of Queueing Systems; Trajectory Optimization; Cooperative Mission Planning.
Photo of Nathan Karin
The Lab focuses on T cell immunology in the interface between cancer and autoimmunity, with a particular interest in chemokine-chemokine receptor interactions. The lab develops unique strategies for cancer immunotherapies and for restraining autoimmunity.
Associate Professor
Photo of Nir Ailon
Machine Learning and Statistics, Combinatorial Optimization and Approximation Algorithms, Algorithmic Dimension Reduction and Applications, Complexity.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Nir Rosenfeld
Modeling and predicting human behavior and social dynamics; Learning to support human decision-making; Training for human objectives and with humans in the loop; Implications of deploying predictive models in social contexts.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Nir Weinberger
information theory, probability and statistics in high dimension, nonparametric regression, large deviations bounds, analysis of Boolean functions.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Noam Kaplan
3D genomics, nuclear organization, computational biology, epigenetics, classical and deep machine learning, probabilistic models.
Photo of Ofer Strichman
Formal verification, computational logic, discrete optimization.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Ofra Amir
Artificial Intelligence; Human-Computer Interaction; Intelligent User Interfaces; Explainable AI.
Photo of Omer Ben-Porat
My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and computational game theory. More specifically, I am interested in strategic, societal, and economic aspects of ML, developing both theory and practical tools.
Associate Professor
Photo of Omri Barak
Theoretical neuroscience. How complex systems adapt to their environment? Such systems include brains, cancer cells, and artificial neural networks.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Or Aleksandrowicz
Building physics; Building performance simulation; Bioclimatic design; Urban microclimate; Building technology; History of architecture and architectural technology; Urban history; Digital Humanities.
Photo of Oren Kurland
Information retrieval, with specific interest in ranking models for search engines.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Oren Salzman
I seek to deeply understand and to rigorously address the computational challenges that arise when planning for robots. My research, lying at the intersection of Computer Science and Robotics, is motivated by the key insight that in order to address these challenges, traditional Computer Science algorithms, tools and paradigms need to be revisited. This requires (i) understanding and analyzing the unique domain-specific computational challenges in robotic planning and, subsequently (ii) developing algorithms to address these challenges to provide the robotics community foundational tools to solve real-world problems. For additional details, see my research statement.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Ori Plonsky
Predicting human decision making; Mining behavioral data; behavioral economics; behavioral decision making; human learning processes; behavioral mechanism design; behavioral public policy.
Photo of Orit Hazzan
Cognitive and social processes of computer science, software engineering and data science education, on the individual, the team and the organization levels, in all kinds of organizations.
Photo of Paul Feigin
Biostatistics and clinical trial design and analysis, experimental design, inference for stochastic processes, classification and regression modelling.
Associate Professor
Photo of Rakefet Ackerman
When facing challenging tasks in computerized and daily tasks, people must engage in mental effort management. Professor Ackerman studies factors that drive cognitive biases and waste of thinking time.
Photo of Rann Smorodinsky
Game theory, Economic theory, Privacy.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Renana Gershoni-Poranne
Inverse molecular design, chemical space exploration, physical organic chemistry.
Associate Professor
Photo of Reshef Meir
I am interested in understanding and mitigating the negative effects of strategic behavior. Mainly by people interacting via large systems, e.g. congestion in networks or biased group decisions.
Photo of Rinat Rosenberg-Kima
Ethical issues involved in using AI and Social-AI in the context of education; Human-Robot Interaction; Computer Science Education; Instructional Design
Associate Professor
Photo of Roi Reichart
Natural Language Processing (NLP). Out-of-distribution generalization in NLP (e.g. cross-language and cross-domain learning); NLP for social, behavioral and health science; Causality and model interpretation.
Photo of Ron Kimmel
Computer vision, graphics, Geometric machine learning and big data, computational medicine and biometry, applied metric and differential geometries.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Ron Levie
Mathematical foundations of deep learning, graph neural networks, geometric deep learning, explainable AI.
Photo of Ron Meir
Information processing, learning and control in natural and artificial systems, reinforcement learning, lifelong learning, multi agent learning, the perception action cycle.
Associate Professor
Photo of Ronen Talmon
Geometry-based Data Analysis & Modeling; Signal Processing; Applied Harmonic Analysis; Diffusion Geometry; Biomedical Signal Processing; Computational Neuroscience.
Photo of Roy Friedman
Caching, network monitoring, stream processing, reliable distributed systems, high-availability and fault-tolerance, blockchains, cloud computing, wireless mobile ad hoc network
Photo of Roy Kishony
Developing and applying advanced machine-learning and experimental tools at the frontiers of biomedicine with a specific focus on antimicrobial multi-drug therapy.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Sagi Dalyot
Geodata science, methods of interpretation, mining, and integration of crowdsourced content to augment and develop location-based services and smart mapping infrastructures. Spatial-cognition, navigation, and the built-environment.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Sarah Keren
Multi-agent AI, multi-robot systems, collaborative AI, multi-agent environment design, integrated task and motion planning for robotics, and multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Associate Professor
Photo of Shahar Kvatinsky
Performing logic using memory cells to build the memristive memory processing unit (mMPU), mixed-signal circuits, RF circuits, neuromorphic computing, cytomorphic systems, deep learning accelerators, internet-of-things, and hardware security.
Photo of Shaul Markovitch
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Semantics, Anytime Learning, Active and Selective Learning, Information retrieval, Multi-agent Systems, Adversary search, Opponent Modeling, Resource-bounded reasoning, Cost-sensitive Learning.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Shay Moran
Research interests (Max. 200 Chr): Theoretical Machine Learning, focusing on: learning in adversarial and stochastic environments; generalization theory; differentially private machine learning; new theoretical definitions for learnability (that are inspired by applied ML); data compression and information-theoretic methods; combinatorial and geometric problems that arise in ML.
Photo of Shie Mannor
AI and machine learning, reinforcement learning and planning; learning, optimization and control under uncertainty, Multi-agent systems, Optimization of large scale problems, application of machine learning to a variety of problems: power grids, communication networks, etc.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Shimrit Shtern
Robust and adaptive optimization; Data-driven optimization; Algorithms for nonconvex and mixed-integer optimization; Optimization applications in: energy, inventory systems, estimation and control, statistics and healthcare.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Shlomi Laufer
Surgical Data Science, Computer Vision, Automatic Surgical Workflow Analysis, , Automatic Assessment of Competency-Based Medical Education in Surgery and Anesthesiology
Distinguished Professor
Photo of Shlomo Shamai Shitz
Network and multi-user information theory, Modern Communication networks (Cloud and Fog Radio Networks), Information and Signal Processing (Information-Estimation), Information bottleneck problems in communications and learning.
Photo of Shmuel Onn
Algebraic and Geometric Methods for Discrete Optimization.
Associate Professor
Photo of Shoham Sabach
Continuous Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, development and analysis of Optimization Methods for large-scale optimization problems, Applications of Optimization Methods in Machine/Deep Learning.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Stefano Recanatesi
Neuro-AI: the intersection between neuroscience, machine learning and theoretical methods.
Photo of Steven Frankel
The CFDLAB focuses on the development, implementation and application of high-fidelity numerical methods for solving problems in aerodynamic, combustion, energy, propulsion, and multiphase turbulent flows. We use high-performance computing including multi-GPU platforms to parallelize our simulations and improve performance. We also study algorithms for quantum computers. In all cases, AI/machine learning techniques are considered to implement flow control strategies, better understand and improve predictive accuracy of turbulent flows, and finally to improve performance of quantum algorithms.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Tamir Hazan
Theoretical & practical aspects of machine learning. Mathematical solutions to real-life problems demonstrating non-traditional statistical behavior.
Associate Professor
Photo of Tomer Michaeli
Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Image Processing; Signal Processing.
Photo of Tomer Toledo
Transportation systems modeling and analysis, traffic simulation modeling, driving and travel behavior, intelligent transportation systems, traffic management and control.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus
Relating brain functional / structural patterns to children’s abilities (reading, language, memory, attention). Modeling physiological datasets (speech, heart rate, eye-movement, brain markers etc) for intervention and diagnostic tools.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Uri Shalit
Machine learning; causal inference; machine learning for healthcare; deep learning.
Professor Emeritus
Photo of Uri Weiser
+ 972-778871507
Research in Advanced Computer architecture to achieve high Hardware utilization. Leverage the Machine Learning unique characteristics to redesign energy efficient Deep Neural Networks.
Associate Professor
Photo of Vadim Indelman
The intersection of probabilistic perception and inference, learning, and planning under uncertainty, both for single and distributed multi-agent autonomous systems.
Associate Professor
Photo of Yael Allweil
HousingLab develops research methods that address the large scale and multifaceted nature of housing. HousingLab engages in developing archival methods for visual digital data as primary sources. Specifically: developing computer vision capacities for the built environment.
Associate Professor
Photo of Yael Yaniv
Automatic diseases classification, Cell Biophysics, Heart rate variability analysis, Mobile health devices, Prediction and detection of atrial and ventricular fibrillation, Sinoatrial node cell activity.
Photo of Yair Ein-Eli
We are working on AI/ML in battery materials research.
Associate Professor
Photo of Yair Goldberg
Survival analysis, Empirical processes, Machine learning, Semiparametric models.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Yaniv Romano
Research centers around the theory and practice of statistical inference and machine learning, focusing on the reliability, robustness, and interpretability of modern data-driven algorithms.
Associate Professor
Photo of Yasha J. Grobman
Design computation, computer aided design and fabrication.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Yevgeni Berzak
Natural Language Processing, Computational Psycholinguistics, AI, Eye-tracking, Neuroimaging.
Assistant Professor
Photo of Yoav Shechtman
Computational imaging, fluorescence microscopy, cellular imaging, 3D imaging, super-resolution microscopy, wavefront shaping
Assistant Professor
Photo of Yoed Kenett
Higher-level cognition; Cognitive complexity; Creativity; Network science in cognitive science; Network neuroscience; Clinical cognitive Networks; Cognitive search
Assistant Professor
Photo of Yonatan Belinkov
Natural language processing; machine learning for language understanding and generation; neural network representations; interpretability and robustness of machine learning models.
Associate Professor
Photo of Yossi Keshet
Keshet's research concerns both machine learning and the computational study of human speech and language. His work on speech and language concentrates on speech processing, automatic speech recognition, speaker recognition, automating laboratory phonology, and pathological speech. His research on machine learning focuses on core machine learning and deep learning algorithms, specifically, that capture the structure of complex tasks, such as automatic speech recognition. But also - how to make them reliable and trustworthy.
Associate Professor
Photo of Yuval Cassuto
Storage devices, systems; Reliable data distribution in networks; Coding theory, Data compression.