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News & Events

June 20, 2021
Japan-Israel joint call-for-proposals (ISF)
ISF launched (June 8th) its Japan-Israel joint call-for-proposals. The call is focused on social sciences. MLIS researchers dealing with interfaces between AI and social sciences which seek a Japanese partner for collaboration  - we aggregated the most prolific Japanese AI researchers according to AI sub-fields (CSRanking data).

Registration deadline is 5.8.21

Submission deadline is 12.8.21

The list is accessible here: Japanese Researchers_AI
June 2, 2021
Open call for MLIS researchers working in collaboration with AI start-ups
The European Network of AI Excellence Centers (ELISE) will select 16 SMEs and start-ups in one of the ELISE/ELLIS focus areas with the support of a Scientific Advisor (MLIS researcher). The companies selected will take part in a six-month program and receive up to 60,000 euros in funding. MLIS is one of the ELLIS societies and all MLIS members are eligible to act as a Scientific Advisor to the company.  This open call is intended for researchers who advise the SME (startup) in developing the AI application or service. The deadline for applications is July 1, 2021. More details can be found here
April 20, 2021
The new AI/ML and Energy research call is now open for submissions!
The 1st joint call-for-proposals in the fields of AI/ML and Energy research is now open for submission to MLIS/GTEP members only. Should you require assistance in locating an MLIS/GTEP collaborator, please contact Sagiv Segal (MLIS), or Galit Kinar (GTEP).